Thursday, June 23, 2011

Silicon Alley Talent Fair

Showed up rather late due to a voip mishap at a client site. The fair was a good time and a good networking event. Had some good conversations with at least a dozen people and ate about that many bahn mi sandwhiches smartly provided by cold delicious beers were provided by Beerlao thanks to ideeli and beats from DJ eRock.

They had a small panel discussion between the job fair part and the after party featuring some luminaries from the local scene. One of the most memorable speakers was a guy from Pivotal Labs. Not sure if it was Rob Mee but it probably was. He chided everyone for complaining too often about what they want to do and not walking the wallk i.e. going to hackathons, contributing to local tech meetups and generally needing to JUST FREAKING DO IT. Loved his take and wished I could hear more of what he said which was at times difficult. More thoughts on this event to come.

My photos from the event

10gen, Adaptly, Adconion Media Group, ADstruc, Animoto, Appdrenaline, AppFirst, AppNexus, Aviary, AxialMarket, Behance, bitly, BurdaStyle, Cellufun, CityPockets, Crowdtap, CrowdTwist, Datalot, EasyBib, Enterproid, EquaMetrics, Everyday Health, Exfm, EXPO, Fast Society, Freedom Teleworkers,, GateGuru, GetGlue, Gojee, Group Commerce, H.BLOOM, Hara Partners, Harvest, HereWeClick, ideeli, iGottaGuide, IndustryGraph, iSEC Partners, Jibe, JoorAccess, Jumo, KeyWifi, kikin, Kindara Inc., Krossover, Late Nite Labs, LeadPlace, LivePerson, LocalBonus, MLB Advanced Media, Mediamorph, Meetup, MergeSkills, Mind Body Play, Mojiva, NYC Footy, Ology Media, Organic Spread Media, Pagane, Paperless Post, PhotoShelter, Pixable, Quirky, Red Rover, Referio, RentTheRunway, RevTrax, Schoology, Seamless Receipts, SeamlessWeb, SeatGeek, Shapeways,, Skillshare, Social Media Link, Socialbomb, SocialBon, Solvate, Sonar, Squarespace, StuffBuff, Stylesight, SuburbanMomma, Sulia, TargetSpot, The Echo System, TheLadders, Tremor Media, TwoChop, VYou, Wantworthy, XGraph, Yipit, Yodle

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Peter Van Buren's "We Meant Well"

I heard this entirely sane commentary blaring out of my tivoli radio. Lots of nonsense tends to spout from it but on occasion someone like Peter comes along and makes something people wish to make quagmireishly complex seem simple and just says the plain truth.

We meant well blog

The war’s initial aim was to stop those weapons of mass destruction from being used against us. There were none, so check that off the list. Then it was to get rid of Saddam. He was hanged in 2006, so cross off that one. A little late in the game we became preoccupied with ensuring an Iraq that was “free.” And we’ve had a bunch of elections and there is a government of sorts in place to prove it, so that one’s gotta go, too.

What follows won’t be “investment,” just more waste. The occupation of Iraq, centered around that engorged embassy, is now the equivalent of a self-licking ice cream cone, useful only to itself.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Otis funkmeyer

I get what he is doing here and I think it is fine... if the non PCness of the title gets you please post a comment about your racial critique of the song if you have one.

I have to give it to him, as a shout out song for scientists and luminaries it is awesome, and very funny. as a white man with swagger you know I love this!

I got that

White nigga swag.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Ayahuasca and my girlfriend

"Ayahuasca is famous for the visions it generates, and the sense of communion with nature and spiritual reality – as well as more mundane, less pleasant lessons about oneself. The Daime is thought to reveal both positive and various negative or unresolved aspects of the individual, sometimes resulting in difficult or blissful ‘passages’ involving the integration of this dissociated psychological content."

source link

That's funny. from this passage ayahuasca like lessons could also be obtained by spending time with my girlfriend.