Monday, February 15, 2010

Connections from the Tucson Gem shows

Pueblo Gem fair 2010.---------------------

check out more pictures of my trip to Tucson at flickr

Morning Sun Jewelry I met Peter last year in Mystic CT on one of his trips to the East coast, this time I got a chance to really see all of his designs and the diversity of gems and jewelry that he carries out of his Grass Valley, California shop. Great craftsman/artist and a world explorer Peter is!

mystic gem company Local gem/jewelry dealer in Mystic CT also at the show for 21 straight years! Mike and my cousin Matt are happily covering the gem needs of the Mystic CT market.

E-BU Jewlery- Neighbors on our "block" at the Pueblo show. I worked with Warren and Robbin to help them with some computer related issues and traded services for some fantastic hand crafted jewelry. Thanks so much! Thanks for being such a great neighbor at Pueblo! Victor has a great product so check it out. Vic: I owe you for keeping me hydrated with those caffeine free diet cokes! thanks!

Elemental Adornments Christi's booth was right next to our booth. Christi and her son and daughter were in attendance helping her out when she was working the Best Bead Show down the road. Great kids I might add, VERY well behaved. Her jewelry/art is phenomenal check our her website to see some at the link above.

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