Saturday, August 06, 2011

let me tell you how I dislike your website and its in text advertising.

this company under the good intentions of saving users from having to watch flash banner ads or pop up/pop under video ads have given us something similarly annoying but different. They are to web content as the burdock is to the outdoors. Sticky burrs have a place in the larger scheme of life but they still annoy the hell out of me and unlike arcitum lappa... they have no redeeming qualities such as having a tasty root and leaves. How much of their click through revenue is made completely by mistake. I am willing to bet it is over 30-40% accidental click through with an immediate browser window close.

this interview makes some sense and I agree... people want control over the content they are viewing. Doug Stevenson has crossed the line with this product. It isn't saving anyone any time or making the web a better place. It is just creating more noise in an already noisy place. I hear some people disagree with me about this, but I think you are wrong.

This topic tends to bring out strong emotions for or against. That, I also find interesting. read the discussion on the bottom of the following article for what I see as a typical argument regarding in text adverts.

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