Sunday, January 15, 2012

Motorola Xoom

I bought a 3G Moto Xoom for $380 very lightly used from a private craigslist seller in NYC. I have been using it for 4 months and have to say I am very impressed. I have my issues with it for sure but I can't say the experience I am enjoying would be worth double the price.

1)Android Honeycomb OS gives a wonderful web browsing experience.
2)it runs FAST. Multi-tasking OS.
3)Netflix app is available for it now and it works splendidly
4) comparatively inexpensive.

1) AC adapter charging cord is separate from the data cord. (micro usb is only for data and not for power)
2)I can't use itunes (oh wait. that is a huge PLUS)
3) ok this one is serious. The quote below mentions some pretty rad audio apps that truly blow away anything being developed for android. The Android Market currently pales in comparison but is getting better every day.

RE: Did Motorola Xoom sales really tank?
@Peter Perry - It's not about mega-pixel-this or SD-Card that - you're talking about hardware in a software fight. The Xoom and the iPad2 are essentially the same from a hardware perspective. Both are a glass capacitative touchscreen powered by dual-core Arm processors. The difference in pixels or clockspeed or storage capacity is inconsequential to the normal person. What is different is the OS that drives them and more importantly, the ecosystem of apps, services, and accessories that define what a person can actually DO with the devices that is lightyears apart. For music, show me anything even close to Garageband, or Korg iMS-20, or Rebirth or iElectribe on the Xoom. There MIGHT be a crap wannabe free beatbox app some kid wrote over a weekend but it will be a Froyo app that looks like crap running on a tablet. The iPad has all 4 and they are truly amazing pro music creation apps. You know ones that bands like Gorillaz used to produce their last album on. Show me anything close to Numbers, Pages, and Keynote. Nope you can't, because Microsoft isn't porting Office to Android anytime soon and Google isn't up to the task. How about iMovie for editing HD movies. Sorry, Xoom just doesn't have it or anything in the same class really. How about the best 3D games from id or EA or Rockstar? Or Turbotax or The Elements, or Netflix, yada yada yada... Nobody cares that the Xoom has a SD Card slot (disabled until who knows when by the way) when you have an adapter for the iPad that actually works. Or it has more pixels or whatever. At the end of the day all you can do with a Xoom is browse the web and pat yourself on the back that at least those Flash ads are showing up, even if they are a little choppy. While the iPad has a million other things going for it. Android has no clothes on in the tablet space where carrier deals and subsidies don't matter and voice calls aren't the killer app. We'll see how this plays out over time but Apple is mopping the floor with the other guys right now. It's not even close.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Steak Pr0n

super cows make super steaks.

On an idyllic corner of the Finger Lakes along the banks of Lake Cayuga exists a micro-climate where the mist of the lake transforms the grass into an ideal grazing land full of plush, luscious feed for cattle where the incredible Rosenkrans breed is reaised. "The Black Baldies,” a blend of Black Angus and Polled Hereford cows, is noted for its beautiful marbling and tastier meat. The calves are raised on the pasture alongside their mothers for the first seven months and then “fence line weaned” to minimize the stress of leaving their mothers. The fence line weaning process is the most humane way to separate calves from their mothers. The calves are also slowly introduced to hay that is bailed on the Rosenkrans farm and are slaughtered at 14 months of age. All of the feed and forages are sustainably raised on the Rosenkrans Farm. The cattle are naturally and humanely raised FREE of antibiotics and hormones!