Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Steak Pr0n

super cows make super steaks.

On an idyllic corner of the Finger Lakes along the banks of Lake Cayuga exists a micro-climate where the mist of the lake transforms the grass into an ideal grazing land full of plush, luscious feed for cattle where the incredible Rosenkrans breed is reaised. "The Black Baldies,” a blend of Black Angus and Polled Hereford cows, is noted for its beautiful marbling and tastier meat. The calves are raised on the pasture alongside their mothers for the first seven months and then “fence line weaned” to minimize the stress of leaving their mothers. The fence line weaning process is the most humane way to separate calves from their mothers. The calves are also slowly introduced to hay that is bailed on the Rosenkrans farm and are slaughtered at 14 months of age. All of the feed and forages are sustainably raised on the Rosenkrans Farm. The cattle are naturally and humanely raised FREE of antibiotics and hormones!

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