The bitter cold is subsiding. I took a walk around the Burlington Northeastern campus today and that felt great. The ice and the mud are at the breaking point, one about to give way to the other. Walking on the frozen grass and soil is more like stone than soil after a cold spell like we just had. It will only be a matterof days before the soil thaws and those mulchy wet scents of spring will be here. Defrost .
Megan came to Billerica this last weekend and we had a good time for the most part. We were low key outside of our time at RIse. It was great to see Hush and Bons play there. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed his set. His sound has been evolving nicely.
We had dinner at Bricco on Hanover St. in the north end. We were looking for good pizza, something quick and a good stiff drink and found all three there. Great little place... i believe the business card said "A Frank Pasquale venture" or something like that.
Megan did some great upgrades on my room. I wish I had before and after pictures. She used table runners to cover up the pink stenciling on my walls. I actually wanted to be in my room this week. What a change a good eye and a trip to target can do.
This week I had trouble with wanting to get into bed and fall asleep... ive been up chatting, playing cribbage, or reading about hallucinogens. My body is excited for the coming of spring i think. I have atrophied most of my muscle since coming t0 work at webex, chances for exercise have been passed up instead for chances of hanging out in boston drinking with college buddies, watching netflixx, or eating in chinatown or the north end. I feel like I need to spend six months at a health retreaty and not use any electricity and eat spinach, whole wheat pasta, quinoa and stick to a serious exercise regimen to come back from the shape i have slipped into now. It could be worse. I could have back problems and not be able to exercise... now that scares me. I am always one motorcycle crash away from a shut in. note to self.. stay away from motorcycles!