Very briefly
Took the F train to Coney, exited the subway and immediately started hearing sub bass. GOOD SIGN. Everything went much smoother but not without glaring hitches here and there. I only spent 5 minutes in line going in on saturday at about 3pm and apparently most people didnt spend much longer than that all day. The music was for the most part fantastic. I will be honest, I came here to see jeremy p caufield. He blew the roof off once again. The first few tracks he played were hitting all the right spots and then he went into a bit of a lull for 30 minutes, then as the sun went down and it got darker and he went into a succession of 25-30 minutes of highly energetic soul creating/destroying techno destruction. The two guys next to me were looking over at me as if to say HOLY SHIT... this is blowing my mind. I concurred, and continued raving. Thanks Jeremy.
Friday night as most of the net already knows was a bust. I wont talk too much about that as I want things like this to happen more and dont want to get too down on the promoters as im sure they are going to have to deal with a pretty big shitstorm with VIP ticket holders shouting at them for the next few weeks. No one told me the party was moved to Rebel so i went back to my friends house in back of pratt inst. and went to bed. Woke up and visited with my cousin Spencer, ate some stewed goat and yellow rice and beans at Pena on De Kalb Ave.
When I arrived at coney island Afternoon Coffee was playing a live set and were keeping people grooving... they were loooking like they were having fun and seemed happy to be there.
I spoke with the nice folks at confined media from san fran. Wish I could remember your names... a few afternoon gin and tonics and i forget everything! They had a booth setup by the entrance that they paid 400$ for! ouch. Great meeting you if I dont see you again today.