Thursday, November 05, 2009 to the rescue

Just when I was attempting to use yahoo pipes to amalgamate all of my banking websites, has come and done all the dirty work for me, and from the first look has done a fantastic job. Thanks to Rob Reed and Heather for finding this super helpful tool. Logging into 3 credit card websites and 4 separate checking sites was getting tedious. After my initial giddy-ness at the concept, paranoia started setting in. Now I can have all of my accounts hacked at once. The devil's favorite darling is convenience.

How long this service will stay free now that inuit owns it is anyones guess. Don't screw this up Intuit!

1 comment:

Jenn said... is a read only service, Bear! People could login and look at your spending if they hacked your account but they could never find out your account numbers or username, etc. so they couldn't really do much with this info.