Saturday, June 11, 2011

Peter Van Buren's "We Meant Well"

I heard this entirely sane commentary blaring out of my tivoli radio. Lots of nonsense tends to spout from it but on occasion someone like Peter comes along and makes something people wish to make quagmireishly complex seem simple and just says the plain truth.

We meant well blog

The war’s initial aim was to stop those weapons of mass destruction from being used against us. There were none, so check that off the list. Then it was to get rid of Saddam. He was hanged in 2006, so cross off that one. A little late in the game we became preoccupied with ensuring an Iraq that was “free.” And we’ve had a bunch of elections and there is a government of sorts in place to prove it, so that one’s gotta go, too.

What follows won’t be “investment,” just more waste. The occupation of Iraq, centered around that engorged embassy, is now the equivalent of a self-licking ice cream cone, useful only to itself.

1 comment:

Fish said...

The dude I heard talking on 90 looked different in my head than that dude in the pic. Regardless, SELF-LICKING ICE CREAM CONE.