Saturday, October 09, 2010

To you know who! yes you!

Thanks and Love to all who came out to celebrate my 30th with me and for everyone who wished me well this past week in real life and on facebook! thanks for buying me all those dericious drinks and mountains of amazing Korean food and watermelon Soju at Pocha32. I am glad you all hung in with me for the decision to hit up Deity in Brooklyn for DJ Spinna. He absolutely blew the roof off. We closed the place up in style and many a vicious dance move were thrown down. 1000x thanks you's and you all know I am lucky to have you in my life. I made a blog post years ago with a list of the people I felt gratitude for and I urge you all to look yourselves up. I am adding to that list mentally all the time. Number one on that list for the past 3 years is my girlfriend Heather Martin. I love you heaps and am so grateful for all of your love and presence in my life.


and i'm better because you are there.



1 comment:

Meadow said...

The Beans made the list! Yay!